

"Thank you so very much for this and for this morning.. I've already found both sessions transformative in terms of how I'm thinking about my practice and career. You've helped me to feel positive again during a time where I've wondered (frankly) if there was any point in continuing my practice. Now I'm excited and inspired to move ahead.."

"I just wanted to day an absolutely HUGE thanks for the session with you today. It truly went beyond any expectation that I could have had. I genuinely feel battered,  but, excited, enthused, scared, thrilled and may other things at the potential of working with you. Thank you so much."

"Taking part in your class this morning was, for me, a truly wonderful and inspirational experience."

"Thank you so much for that. Really loved the talk this morning !  So informative....I've sheets of notes!! Lovely mix of factual advice and information but light and positive with no pretense....very refreshing! Left me inspired!!  Not to do the heavy lifting and change my statement and Bio!!"

"Your great no nonsense tips and takes on the dreaded ‘artist statement’ were bursting with energy and fun - it was a very motivational session!."

"Thanks for the Online Marketing Masterclass - some really useful info here. It's given me plenty to reflect on, and many things i'll be figuring out how might work for me. I thought the idea of a free download PDF brochure of artworks/art project was really nice, and certainly something I'll be doing. Just as an additional thing, it might have been interesting to hear your thoughts around targeted marketing, and the use of hashtags specific to art practitioners."


"Ceri's masterclasses are packed with resources for artists that might take years of experience and research to learn and develop the insights that are given in each session. I found learning about the right mindset (that being confident and creative) for marketing and selling very challenging and useful."

"Thanks very much for the session, it was interesting to get your expert take on what a personal statement is all about. A very engaging session. I found it useful the points you made about not trying to explain what your art does, or justify it intellectually, but rather share the excitement of it. I felt like it gave me a little more creative license to go ahead and break the mould a little with my writing about my work."

"Huge thanks for the session this morning, you have a lovely approachable  ‘zoom manner’ that really helped people feel at ease and willing to contribute.  I’m an art writer but my work sometimes leaks into art practice so it was really useful to get your take on what you look out for in an artist statement, what makes you excited and how you advise going about communicating interests and enthusiasm through the statements"

"Many thanks for the inspiring session today. I found it had such a positive vibe and empowering to hear you explain the process in such an engaging way. I think you can become entrenched in how you write statements etc so it was refreshing to hear it as whole process such as the mind mapping through to looking at it along side your images. I think also hearing an experienced curator's voice in there really helps."

"I think for me it was the use of emotional content to promote and tell people, it really has resonated with me! Almost like being given permission to speak!! I was very happy with the format and was very positive I thought."

"Thank you for our wonderful session today - you are truly talented and your knowledge guiding me is really appreciated".

"I previously attended your masterclass on Personal Statements and I thought if anything this one worked even more successfully as I found all the very specific and actionable advice very useful here. I think the use of the chat box for questions at intervals throughout was a very effective format. I feel like you covered a nice range of things and I certainly have a clearer idea of the overall aims and strategies of online marketing. I would have liked to have heard more about what it looks like to market to curators but then I did not think to ask that during the session. Generally the whole thing worked very well from my perspective..I’m looking forward to more of your inspiring and insightful masterclasses".

"Thanks for the session. It was great. A good mix of some stuff I hope I'm already enacting that's nice to hear confirmed; some stuff I need to do more of and good to get the kick up the arse for; and some stuff I'd not considered properly and really should! If I picked one useful thing it would be the way it was structured, methodical but just enough depth at each step".

"Thank you for this mornings class it was brilliant. You covered so much ground it was brilliant."

"Thanks so much, Ceri, it was a super useful session. Thanks for being so generous sharing your time and knowledge with us."

"Your constant reiteration and fleshing out of the holistic idea of 'your personal story' being at the crux of everything you do, really resonated with me. It's one thing to say but it's quite another to understand how critical it is to everything from your studio practice to marketing to selecting materials. And it shifts the focus away from the rather awful idea of branding. Branding, I now better understand is a subset to the personal story. It is not the driver of an art practice. Phew! Also it was so reassuring just to be in a class with other artists who raised similar concerns to mine which they put in the chatbox. And your ability to maintain a personal touch with a group of people is, of course, a great support."

"It was really useful - the talk. I feel like the business end of art is something I've not invested time in understanding, and it's time I I got on top of it now, no point being naive for ever! I'm not motivated by money, but getting money does mean I can keep doing what I do, and I'm interested in that.

By the way, since your Intagram advice I radically changed how I approached the platform. And, I have sold 5 works amounting to roughly £500, from a £30 from a first time art buyer and a framed collage for someone who bought a cheaper print from me before. And we only talked three weeks ago. It opened my eyes to how enjoyable the whole process could be for me. I found an authentic voice I enjoy using and can enable me to begin selling my work. Many thanks! Your advice unlocked this for me."

"Thank you for a really excellent evening of advice and encouragement Ceri"

"The section on price formulas really helped. I was over the moon to find that the formula and factor I’ve been using for the last ten years was the one you presented as ‘best’. I had previously been using a factor based on LxH of work that had sold but as you described ran in problems when applying it to much smaller/larger work. I don’t sell lots of work but enough to build a picture over time of what people are prepared to pay. It was a framer who suggested the 'plus’ model and I found out, reverse engineering my factor from my sales records, that my factor is 20. I do tweak this up and down between 18 - 23 depending on the nature and importance of the work. Other times I’ll add on the costs of framing or other material costs if either re outliers. So in short, to see ’20’ mentioned as a factor you have worked in a commercial gallery setting made me feel on the right track. I guess it just goes to show sometimes validation is as important as revelation."

"There were so many useful tips it’s hard to select one, but what keeps coming to mind is the frank insight you gave into the art world.  It was good to have the mix of practical pointers along with a sense of the smoke and mirrors, all from first hand experience. The title 'Pricing & Selling' doesn't do justice to what you can get out of this masterclass. Not only do you learn about how to price your artwork professionally, which I did not learn during my BA and MA, you get real insight on the current art market drawn from reputable sources. Highly recommended to all who want to invest in their professional development".

"Ceri’s masterclass was ‘on the nose.’ She is extremely engaging and brought a clearly evident wealth of experience and knowledge to the session in a totally accessible manner. The session taught me some new things whilst giving me a confidence boost, as she affirmed my so far self-taught understanding of pricing, the current art market and sales. Worth every penny paid and more".

"Thanks so much for your time and your generosity. It was lovely to talk to you and both sessions have been very helpful and inspiring".

"I have been working with Ceri for the last 6 months or so. From the very first session with Ceri I knew I was engaging in something that would be transformative for me and my work. Ceri has an enormously positive and encouraging approach to mentoring. Her incredibly insightful, intelligent and intuitive way of engaging with her artists, has given me the courage to stop feeling like an imposter, and helped me unleash the confidence I needed to tackle my ideas and start producing new work that is braver and bolder than anything I’ve done before. Signing up to work with Ceri is the best thing I have done for myself in years!".

"Ceri combines a remarkable skill-set from over 25-years working in the arts - a creative coach, curator, commercial gallerist and arts organiser - which together make for an exceptional mentoring experience. Having worked with Ceri for almost 12-months my practice has developed more than I could have imagined. Like Ceri I have extensive arts management experience and returned to an art practice only recently. It was important to have the support of someone who really knows the machinations of the art world. But I was not anticipating how she would help me grow meaning and content in my work. She has taken me on a step-by-step journey, by no means passive,  based on mutual trust and encouraging me to focus on the immediate task ahead and not look further. In this way I have learnt to be more patient, trust my instincts and develop an inner confidence in my own voice as an artist".

"I just want to say a massive thank you for your help this year. The mentoring sessions that I had with you really pushed my practice forward this year and I've never had this honest conversation about my practice before. Your questions and advice guided me to find my core as an artist and I am deeply appreciative".

"Thank you,  you packed so much into that hour! It has really helped contextualise and explain so many things I hadn’t quite grasped the nuances of.  What I really loved was your emphasis on intentionality and clarity of ambition.  Your kind action of hosting this zoom session for free and generosity in sharing your knowledge is a perfect example of rejecting this scarcity mentality. You have renewed my faith in this process".

"Thank you for the session this evening - it flew by. I found it interesting and thought provoking to hear the discussion created with different voices and perspectives present. It was warming and funny and would happily attend again if the chance arises - it's great what can be achieved with the video call technology, a group of artists and a mentor".

"The support and encouragement Ceri gave me was incredibly energising for my studio practice and having set tasks to develop and consider really helped focus my creative output. She is very warm, approachable and generous in sharing her experience and expertise. The coaching sessions helped me analyse and understand how my work comes across to other people and therefore think about what I want to give audiences going forwards. I needed guidance to help me take charge of my own direction and be proactive in making opportunities for my work. Ceri has helped direct that shift, she confirmed the value of what I’m doing and, in her words, helped me ‘turn up the volume!’ After talking with Ceri I have created more space/structure for my practice within my life and, going forwards I feel emboldened to connect with people, even if they are outside of my immediate artist friendship circle".

"Thanks for another fun and useful Q&A hour on Friday. It is great you are providing ways for artists to talk, share and get feedback about things that don't normally have a platform for discussion".

"I was at your Friday night Subscriber session. I've been to the last two and learnt an enormous amount and already been braver in my approach as a result! Thank you so much for your generosity offering these sessions".

"Working with Ceri is a breath of fresh air. Her enthusiasm, professionalism and can do attitude shine through. In less than an hour she helped me break through months of angst and indecision, leading my practice into new, exciting directions. Ceri’s knowledge of the artworld is coupled with a high level of insight into artist in psyche. I’d recommend her to any artist looking for a gentle steer or a firmer kick in the right direction.".

"Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, wisdom and experience with us today. I thought your delivery was spot on: generous, kind and insightful. Some of what you talked about I knew but its always valuable to have a fresh look at my approaches and paradigms, and a lot was new to me. I think the main thingI come away with is the feeling that, although you don't know me, you are in some way advocating for me - that's powerful stuff and I feel inspired. Thank you".

"Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, wisdom and experience with us today. I thought your delivery was spot on: generous, kind and insightful. Some of what you talked about I knew but its always valuable to have a fresh look at my approaches and paradigms, and a lot was new to me. I think the main thing I come away with is the feeling that, although you don't know me, you are in some way advocating for me - that's powerful stuff and I feel inspired. Thank you".

"Thanks for inviting Ceri to lead a session on pricing. The content was really clear, relatable and helpful. I’d be interested in listening to Ceri speak again".

"I have previously worked with Ceri on a project. So, when I found out about her mentoring sessions I thought, 'I've got nothing to lose by giving it a go'. The initial 1 hour session I had booked turned into many more and her supportive mentoring has absolutely exceeded all of my expectations. Ceri's insight and unbiased opinion has given me a new perspective and enabled me to view my work differently.  She has helped me to define and articulate my art practice and identify common links within my body of work. I appreciate the personal and professional development her sessions have provided for me and would wholeheartedly recommend her mentorship".

"I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed the session with Ceri, what an honour to meet her and listen to her highly inspiring and motivating words".

"Here at Manchester School of Art we pride ourselves on preparing our students for professional life after graduation. To do this we run an award winning cross-faculty project, which spans all year groups and disciplines, and encourages practice within a public environment.

Ceri has been an invaluable external consultant on this exciting project, offering one-to-one portfolio feedback sessions to our final year and postgraduate students. Feedback from attendees has been testament to Ceri’s knowledge in the creative industry, and I have found the links she maintains in the North of England have been a great asset to our students. With Ceri’s input students are able to emerge not just with a portfolio of high end gallery standard, but also an informed perception of what to do next.

I hope Ceri will join us again in the 5th year of our Unit X project which, with relationships such as this, becomes stronger and more successful each year."

Adriano Digaudio, Collaborative Engagement Coordinator, Manchester School of Art

"Meeting with Ceri was a great experience. She was so generous with her time, and insightful about the industry and the next steps for a student progressing out of university. I found her approachable, honest and full of useful knowledge and tips about how to go forward. My session with Ceri boosted my confidence and inspired me to make more work!"

Student, Manchester School of Art

"Ceri’s experience working with local artists and curating shows in the North West was really beneficial because as an emerging practitioner in Manchester it helped me to understand who was who in the city and the next steps to take nationally."

Student, Manchester School of Art

"I have known Ceri Hand for many years, having worked with her in both the public and commercial sectors. Ceri has always been a strong advocate for visual artists. Throughout her career, she has shown great passion, enthusiasm and considerable eloquence in promoting and supporting artists and their practice. Most recently, Ceri has made studio visits to artists in the West Midlands as part of our Artist Development programme delivered in partnership with Turning Point West Midlands. Artists can apply for a studio visit from a named arts professional who will supply feedback and advice. Ceri is always a popular choice. She researches thoroughly in preparation for her visit and provides informed advice and encouragement as well as practical guidance. As a mentor to artists, she is highly professional and well respected and we will certainly continue to work with her to develop our programme."

"Working with Ceri is really eye-opening - I feel as if I'm working with a psychotherapist such is her ability to get under my skin. This aspect feels essential to unlocking the route of my artistic enquiry. It's a difficult process but Ceri is empowering so I'm finding the journey with her incredibly exciting and feel that she has already moved me on. I have a strong feeling that with her help anything is possible!"

"Acme Studios has been fortunate to benefit from Ceri Hand’s support and vast knowledge via studio visits to some of the emerging artists we work with as part of the Residency & Awards Programme. Ceri has that rare combination of a genuine breadth of experience coupled with a generosity to share that knowledge with artists in a way that inspires and encourages. Importantly, her open approach allows artists to ask the difficult questions of a curator one rarely gets to ask.

Her passion to simply talk to artists, listen to them, find out what makes them tick and identify ways to support that is instrumental in enabling the artist to develop their practice and confidence. The feedback we receive from artists Ceri meets is without exception positive and we hope to continue to work with Ceri into the future."

"Ceri listens, pays attention and I find her to be astute and attentive. Her passion for both the arts and individual artists is deeply integrated in who she is and she works with care and integrity, with warmth and with humanity. She is a joy to work with!"

"I first met Ceri when she gave a talk to artists in South East London about her career as a gallerist. I was impressed by her evident passion for her work, her commitment to the artists she had worked with and her direct yet approachable manner. I subsequently booked an initial half-day session with Ceri in my studio. Ceri was open and easy to talk to, professional and focused. I felt her analysis of my work was honest, concise and critical where it needed to be; her approach was sensitive, constructive and encouraging. During our discussion Ceri helped me to see ways to overcome obstacles and fulfil my potential. As a result of the session I have a clear idea of what work I need to do to develop my practice and a plan of action to achieve my goals. I can see great value in building a relationship with Ceri and would recommend her services without hesitation".

"Ceri is very perceptive and insightful and made many helpful comments that will help improve my practice in both the short term, but more importantly, in the long term".

"Highly recommended! The session was really brilliant. Weeks later and I continue to notice how much it has helped clarify my approach. Ceri is very good at this! I'm looking forward to our next session."

"The session was far beyond my expectations. I found Ceri to be very open and clear, with observations that were the perfect balance of challenging and reassuring. I am working with a much better focus and drive since her studio visit."

"I was not sure what to expect before meeting Ceri, but from the first few minutes I felt a real empathy. I think she really looked at the work - and (amazingly) seemed to 'get' it in the space of a few hours of meeting me. She also (most importantly) really picked up on my failings and clarified them to me. This is extremely useful, no one does this after art school (often not even during, the egos are so big), you just get left with a blank or a like, that's it. I am just thrilled about our meeting and cannot wait to get on with it! Thank you Ceri - you really are a star!."

"Ceri was personable but firm in the way that she looked at the areas that need to be addressed in my practice. Like a favourite teacher she knew how to say difficult stuff without causing too much upset. I found the session motivating and useful - helped me not to feel so overwhelmed by the tasks ahead regarding updating my web site and CV. Nothing was discussed that I did not "know" myself but good to have that reflected back to you - good to be told the things I tell my students!"

"I found Ceri to be very generous and economical with the time I had and getting down to the nuts and bolts of what needed to be addressed. Ceri enabled me to see what was working and where the contradictions/blocks were. I felt supported and understood. I believe she had my best interests at heart and gave good advice. I'm left with a very clear action plan that feels achievable and exciting"

"Ceri Hand’s experience within the arts sector, her knowledge of the individuals and systems of the art world and perhaps most importantly her empathy for artists and her commitment to their practices, make her one of our first choices as an artist’s mentor for the projects that we run."

 "I feel incredibly fortunate to have had Ceri's invaluable support after leaving college last year. This is a tricky point where one simultaneously struggles to build a career strategy whilst dealing with a new sense of isolation, particularly when practising outside the capital. Yet Ceri has been consistently available to answer any questions by email about pricing, CV or copyright, and also longer, more personal conversations about portfolio or gallery representation. It's hugely comforting to have her insight and knowledge just a phone call or click away. I can't thank her enough for taking the sting out of everything."

"Working with Ceri Hand gave me the opportunity to focus and kick start my practice back into action. he mentorship was about refining what I do, and tuning it into the professional art world. Ceri's broad knowledge of art practice informed and guided me through the mentorship, Ceri gave honest, straight forward, informative and constructive advice to help with my artistic development and professional presence. The outcome of the mentorship is that i have since gone on to become a studio member with The Royal Standard an artist led gallery/studio/workspace to further make and promote my work, and to gain a presence in the art scene."

"Ceri is the real deal. A good listener, very professional, and has the expertise that enables her to disseminate knowledge and offer sound advice."

"Thoughtful, articulate and really good."


We've changed our name to CERI HAND and have a new website here